Murdoch University Alumni Malaysian Chapter Networking Party 2016

The Murdoch University Alumni Malaysian Chapter gathered more than 50 alumni based in Malaysia, special guests and Murdoch staff at PickNik Comfort Food Cafe at Publika, Kuala Lumpur on Friday 11th March for a fabulous evening of fun, food and friendship.  This event is a kick-start of series of Alumni events for the Chapter in the year 2016.

Regular attendees of our Malaysian alumni events are welcomed and they mingled with newcomers, while a delicious buffet dinner was served with free-flow of drinks and wine.  Special VIP guests at the event included Ms Naila Mazzucco, Trade Commissioner of Austrade from the Australian High Commission, Ms Nicole Lim, Vice President (Bilateral Relations) and Ms Jane Teh, Vice President (Education and Welfare) from The Malaysian Australian Alumni Council.  Ms Alexandra Stewart represented the Alumni Relations Office of Murdoch University in Perth at the event.

In his short speech, President of the Chapter, Mr Adrian Ong announced the appointment of Murdoch University First Female Vice Chancellor, Professor Eeva Leinonen, who will be starting office in April 2016.  He thanked Murdoch University for their continuous support of Alumni events in Malaysia.  He also hoped to see increased graduates’ participation and interest in Alumni activities.  If any of your friends who are Murdoch alumni and have not been connected to the University, kindly please get them to email the Chapter at : with their contact details.