Murdoch University Alumni hosts underprivileged kids at Bi-Annual Movie

Murdoch University Alumni Malaysian Chapter held their bi-annual movie afternoon on 28 April 2018. The movie of the day was Avengers – Infinity War and was attended by 200 alumni and guests. In addition to hosting Murdoch Alumni with their family and friends, the uplifting event saw them also play host to 86 underprivileged, abused & abandoned children together with their guardians. 36 of the children came from Mikhalai School of Destiny while 50 children under the care of Shelter Home.

The guest list included several supportive VIPs including the Deputy High Commissioner, Mr Michael Growder and his wife, Bernadine Caruana who commenced as Counsellor (Education and Science) at the Australian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur earlier this year. The MAAC were represented by Vice President of Education and Welfare, Ms Mina Lim. Other Australian University Alumni Chapter representatives attended as well.

Mr Adrian Ong, President of the Chapter expressed his sincere gratitude and thanks to the University for supporting this bi-annual event before the movie commenced.